Event Details
- 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
- The three categories of speech: interpretative reading, persuasive speaking, and impromptu speaking.
- Open to SEDA members in grade 5 to 12.
- Based on attendance, the divisions at this tournament have been updated to the following
- Elementary (grades 5 to 8)
- High School (grades 9 to 12).
- There will be a cap of 30 competitors for this event, with preference for 10 competitors in each division.
- All students will compete in the interpretative reading and persuasive speaking categories. The top 3 students in each division will move on to compete in the finals, which will be an impromptu speech.
- The order of speaking will be assigned randomly
- All competitors must provide one judge. Judges will be provided with a scoring rubric and do not need any previous experience judging speeches.
- Competitors that do not provide a judge may be unable to compete.
- Judges can register HERE by February 25.
- Students can register HERE by February 23.
- $20 tournament fee per student.
- E-transfer to director@saskdebate.com by February 16. Put the student's name followed by SPE in the memo line.
- Teams that cancel less than 24 hours before the tournament will still owe tournament fees.
Category Descriptions
Interpretive reading
All competitors will be presenting an interpretive reading. Each participant should pick a piece of writing to read. SEDA does not pick a piece for you. Students should pick the piece beforehand and practice reading it before the competition.
- Speaking time: 5 to 8 minutes
- The piece can be serious or humorous.
- Include an appropriate brief introduction that states the author, title, and theme of the work.
- The piece must be published work and may not have been written by the reader.
- Students may read from the published text or from word processed pages in a folder.
- Competitors may stand or sit but should not move around excessively.
Judges will be considering:
- Quality and helpfulness of the competitor’s introduction
- Delivery (Ex. eye contact, energy)
- Voice (Ex. pace, timing, enunciation)
- Overall appeal
Learn more about Interpretive Reading HERE.
Persuasive Speaking
All competitors will be presenting a persuasive speech. Each participant should pick a topic and plan and practice their persuasive speech before the competition day.
- Speaking time: 5 to 8 minutes
- This speech is designed to persuade and must be on a serious topic, but humour can be incorporated if the speaker feels it is useful.
- Speakers must identify a problem and propose or examine one or more solutions to it.
- Speakers may reference note cards, but eye contact and some memorization is expected.
Judges will be considering:
- Analysis of the problem
- Persuasiveness of the discussion (Ex. logic, appeal)
- Interest
- Delivery (Ex. eye contact, energy)
Learn more about Persusive Speaking HERE.
Impromptu Speaking
Only the top 3 competitors in each division will move on to the impromptu speaking round. Tournament staff will draw three topics, which may be a word, a quotation, a phrase. The speaker must choose one of the three, and then prepare for 10 minutes.
- Speaking time: 3 to 5 minutes
- Speakers may take notes but may not bring them up when they speak.
- Speakers may interpret the topic within reason.
- Speeches should be structured and logical.
- Speakers will not use the internet during prep time.
- Speakers will not use prepared material for this event.
- No props of any kind are permitted.
- Adoption of a persona is not allowed for Impromptu speaking.
Judges will be considering:
- Adherence to topic
- Organization
- Interest
- Delivery (Ex. eye contact, energy)
Preparing for impromptu speaking is similar to an impromptu debate. You can see SEDA’s impromptu resourse HERE.
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