
SEDA Tournaments

Students must be: 

  • a fully registered SEDA member
  • in grades 5 to 12

E.C. Leslie Provincial Championship

Debaters must meet the following eligibility criteria to be considered for the Provincial Championship:

  • Pay all outstanding fees
  • Participate in at least two tournaments in the current season, in the same division (World Schools tournaments excluded)

The number of teams invited to the Championship is determined by the host's capacity. Teams are invited based on the following criteria:

  • Using the best two tournament scores, individual debaters are ranked by their average speaker points
  • Teams are ranked based on the team's combined speaker points
  • Invitations must be accepted or rejected as a team. 

CSDF National Debating Seminar

Annually in September, the Canadian Student Debating Federation holds the National Debating Seminar. Delegates attend debate and thematic workshops, debate in practice rounds critiqued by experienced coaches, and wrap it up with a fun tournament.

Seminar is about educational, non competitive debate. CSDF embraces both of Canada’s official languages, offering students the opportunity to attend the Seminar as English, French or Bilingual delegates.

To be eligible to attend a Seminar as a delegate, a student:

  • Must be in Grade 9, 10, 11 or 12 during the academic year of the Seminar
  • Must not have attended a previous Seminar as a delegate
  • Must not have participated in a previous National or International Event
  • Preference is given to students who compete in the novice division in the previous debate season

Students are responsible for any registration fees, accommodation costs, chaperone fees, and flight costs associated with national events. When SEDA is able, we will help with fundraising.

Canadian National British Parliamentary Championships

The Canadian National British Parliamentary Championships are run by the Canadian Student Debating Federation with rotating provincial hosts.  The event is usually held in November or December. There are two divisions. Teams can qualify as a senior team or a junior team. If both speakers are under the age of 15, they are a junior team.  

To be eligible to attend the Canadian British Parliamentary Debate Championships, teams must:

  • Must have a team average of at least 65%, based on the ranking criteria used at the SEDA British Parliamentary Style Qualifying Tournament. 
  • Eligible teams will be ranked based on their team average.
  • The number of teams invited each year is set by the event host.
  • Ideally debaters on a team should be from the same school.  
  • Hybrid teams (students from different schools) are allowed to attend but are not allowed to break at Canadian British Parliamentary Debate Championships [“To break” means to compete in the event finals] 
  • Teams must accept or decline their invitation as a team.  

Responsibilities of Invited Teams

  • All invited teams may be required to attend at least one SEDA arranged training session prior to the event and to cooperate with the designated coach(es).
  • Failure to comply may result in the invitation to the Canadian British Parliamentary Debate Championships being revoked.
  • There may be a fee related to the training session/s.  
  • Students are responsible for any registration fees, accommodation costs, chaperone fees, and flight costs associated with national events. When SEDA is able, we will help with fundraising.

National Debate Championships

The Junior High Canadian National Debating Championship and the Senior High Canadian National Debating Championships are run by the Canadian Student Debating Federation with rotating provincial hosts.  These events are usually held in spring. 

To be considered eligible for these tournaments:

  • Teams must have a combined team average of at least 65%. Combined team scores will be calculated as follows: 40% of the best scores from two regular tournaments and 60% of the Provincial Championships score.
  • Debaters must be in grades 9 - 12 and compete in the Open division to attend the Senior Championships
  • Debaters must be in grades 7 - 9 and compete in the Intermediate or Open division to attend the Junior Championships
    • If a grade 9 students is partnered with a student from grade 10, 11, or 12, then the team must compete at the Senior Championships.
    • If a team is comprised of two grade 9 students, they may choose to attend either the Senior or Junior Championships.
  • Hybrid teams (students from different schools) are allowed to attend both the Senior and Junior championships. However, hybrid teams are not allowed to break at senior championships (“To break” means to compete in the event finals) 
  • Debaters must have attended two tournaments in the current season and the E.C. Leslie provincial Championships. Worlds Schools Debating Style tournaments do not count towards the two tournament minimum. 

Responsibilities of Invited Teams

  • All invited teams may be required to attend at least one SEDA arranged training session prior to the event and to cooperate with the designated coach(es).
  • Failure to comply may result in the invitation to the National Championships being revoked.
  • There may be a fee related to the training session/s.  
  • Students are responsible for any registration fees, accommodation costs, chaperone fees, and flight costs associated with national events. When SEDA is able, we will help with fundraising.

World Schools Debating Canadian National Team Tryouts

The World Schools Debating Canadian National Team Tryouts  are run by the Canadian Student Debating Federation with rotating provincial hosts.  The event is usually held in spring.

Saskatchewan delegates are chosen by a panel of judges at our World School Debating Qualifier held in spring. Students register for our qualifier as an individual and are randomly selected to a team. Students qualify to attend tryouts as an individual. Our qualifier is open to students in grades 8 to 11 of the current academic year. The selection process may involve multiple debate rounds, submission of a resume, and an interview process.

Responsibilities of invited students:

  • All invited debaters may be required to attend at least one SEDA arranged training session prior to the event and to cooperate with the designated coach(es).
  • Failure to comply may result in the invitation to the World Schools Debating Canadian National Team Tryouts being revoked.
  • There may be a fee related to the training session/s.  
  • Students are responsible for any registration fees, accommodation costs, chaperone fees, and flight costs associated with national events.

National Public Speaking Championships

The National Public Speaking Championship is comprised of four public speaking categories: impromptu speaking, persuasive speaking, interpretive reading, and parliamentary debate. Students must compete in all four divisions. Descriptions of the categories can be found here.

To be eligible to compete, Saskatchewan students must be a SEDA member. If there is enough interest, a qualifying event will be held.

Students are responsible for any registration fees, accommodation costs, chaperone fees, and flight costs associated with national events.