Tournament Details
Open to students in grades 8 to 11 with previous experience in World Schools Debate Style. Previous experience may include instruction from a debate coach, workshops, and/or tournament.
- Virtual
- 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- Two rounds of World Schools Style Debate.
- Judges may observe prep time.
- Each debater will take part in a ten-minute interview.
- Students register as individuals and will be randomly assigned a team.
National & International Debate Opportunity
- Based on performance in preparation and rounds, the written application, and the interview, three students will be selected to attend the Team Canada National Try Outs.
- If you are successful at the national try outs, you are invited to attend the worlds training camp in the summer of 2024.
- If you are successful at the camp, you are invited to join Team Canada and will attend training sessions with the Team Canada coach and compete and the world championship in the spring of 2025.
Judges must have previous experience judging World School Style. Judges can register HERE by January 19.
- Space is limited to twelve competitors at this event. If the number of registrants surpasses our capacity, we will limit available spaces to those with the most World Schools experience.
- Students can register HERE by January 19.
- Students register as individuals and will be randomly assigned a team.
- $20 registration fee per student.
- E-transfer Put the debater’s name followed by TCQ in the memo line.
Responsibilities of Invited Teams
- All invited teams may be required to attend a SEDA arranged training session prior to the event and to cooperate with the designated coach(es).
- Failure to comply may result in the invitation to the Team Canada Tryouts being revoked.
- There may be a fee related to the training session/s.
- Students are responsible for any registration fees, accommodation costs, chaperone fees, and flight costs associated with national events.
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