Fundraiser Tournament


Event Details

  • Date& Time:
    • March 22, 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM CST
    • March 23, 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM CST
  • Location: Zoom 
  • Divisions/Grades: Students do not have to be SEDA members. Students can be from anywhere across the globe! Students must have their own partner. We cannot provide a partner for you. 
    • Junior division - Grades 6 - 9
    • Open division - Grade 10 - 12
  • Style: British Parliamentary Style. 5 minute speeches and 15 minute prep time. 
  • Rounds: 
    • 5 rounds
    • Junior semi-finals & finals
    • Open quarter finals, semi-finals, and finals


Students will be given the motions at the event and will have 15 minutes each round to prepare. No research is allowed during prep time. 


  • SEDA member teams do not need to provide a judge
  • All other teams must provide a judge or pay the $50 judge fee.
  • If you are an independent judge (not filling a team’s judge requirement), you are eligible for a judging honorarium of $15 per round.
  • Judge registration will be open HERE from Friday February 14 to Friday March 7.

Chief Adjudicators

Jason  Xiao has served on the adjudication core of major tournaments. In 2020 and 2021, Jason coached Team Canada to consecutive wins at the World School Debating Championship. Jason then coached the Hong Kong team to win the Championship in 2022

Wendy James has coached many debaters who have gone on to win both WSDC and WUDC. She coached Team Canada in 2018, has previously been on the Team Canada Worlds Committee, and has judged at 3 national tryouts including the most recent tryouts.

Anwyn Diakuw debated on Team Canada in 2018. She was the champion of Harvard World Schools 2018 and was a finalist at the Canadian National Debate Championships 2016. As a judge, Anwyn has broken at both Junior, and Senior Canadian National Championships.

Rafay Ahmed was 10th at Harvard Word Schools, ranked runner-up at Canadian British Parliamentary Nationals, and was a 2x Saskatchewan provincial debate champion. He has coached Saskatchewan students for national championships.


  • There may be a limit to the number of teams who can register.   
  • Observers must be registered on the debater registration form.
  • A registration form must be filled in for each student.
  • Student registration will be open HERE from Friday February 14 to Friday March 14.

Tournament Fees  

  • SEDA member fee - $25 per student
  • Regular tournament fee - $35 per student
  • Judge fee - $25 per student.
  • Payments can me made via e-transfer or PayPal. Instructions will be included in your registration confirmation email.
  • Teams that cancel less than 24 hours before the tournament will still owe tournament fees.  

Tentative Schedule - All times in CST

Saturday March 22

8:00 AM Check-in
8:30  Briefings
9:00  Round One
11:00  Round Two
1:00 PM Lunch
2:00  Round 3
4:00  Round 4
6:00  Day End                                                


Sunday March 23

8:00 AM Check-in
8:30  Round 5
10:30 Break Calculation
11:00 Open quarter finals & Junior Semi finals
1:00 PM Lunch
2:00 Open semi finals & Junior Finals
4:00 Open Finals
6:00 Awards & Tab release
6:30 Day End


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