Tournament 5

Centennial Collegiate High School

Event Details

  • National Style
  • Open to SEDA members in grades 5 to 12
  • 3 rounds impromptu
  • 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
  • Centennial Collegiate High School, Sasaktoon 
  • National Style sees two teams compete against each other. If the number of teams registered is not divisible by two, some teams may be unable to compete.
  • There will be a limit of 38 debate teams.



The theme for this event is fun, games, and recreation. We have resources to help students with impromptu debating. 


  • Judges register HERE by Monday December 5th. 
  • Judges do not need previous experience. We provide a judge briefing at the start of every event to teach judges how to score a debate round.
  • All teams must provide one judge for the event. Teams that do not provide a judge may be unable to compete.
  • This year we are testing a payment option. If a team is not able to provide a volunteer judge, the team may pay a $130 fee for SEDA to find a judge for them. A paid judge is not guaranteed.



  • A registration form must be filled out for each student by December 2. The parent/student may fill in the registration form OR the coach.  
    • Debater registration is closed. 
  • Tournament fee is $40.  Financial aid options are availible! You can select a financial aid option on the registration form.  
    • E-transfer to by December 2. Put the students name followed by T5 in the memo line.
    • Teams that cancel less than 24 hours before the tournament will still owe tournament fees.
  • If you do not have a partner, SEDA will do its best to match you with a partner. 

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