Event Details
- Location: Centennial Collegiate, Saskatoon
- National Style Debate
- All division. Grades 5 to 12
- 2 rounds prepared, 1 Impromptu
- 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
- There will be a French division dependent on registrations.
High School Motion: This house believes that capitalism will not be the dominant economic and political system in 100 years.
Elementary Motions: This house would abolish the Olympic Games.
Students should come prepared to debate BOTH sides of the prepared motion. The third round of debate will be impromptu. This means students will presented with a motion and have 30 minutes to prepare a debate speech.
Check out our Introduction to National Style resource page to learn the style of debate. Our Preparing for Impromtu Debates resource will also be helpful!
- Judges can register HERE by February 2.
- All teams must provide one judge for the event.
- Teams that do not provide a judge may be unable to compete.
- Judges do not need previous experience. We provide a judge briefing at the start of every event to teach judges how to score a debate and give feedback.
- The judge requirement is still in place for teams travelling from another town. We recruit judges from the community to support travelling teams who are unable to recruit judges and fill judging gaps. A community judge cannot be guaranteed.
- Students wanting to compete at this event must be a SEDA member. You can fill in the 2023-2024 SEDA membership form HERE. Then, come back to this page and register for this specific event.
- Debater registration is closed.
- There may be a limit to the number of teams who can register.
- If the number of teams registered is not divisible by two, some teams may be required to sit out one round at the event.
- If you do not have a partner, SEDA will do its best to match you with a partner.
- Observers for virtual tournaments must be registered on the debater registration form.
Tournament Fee
- $40 tournament fee per student for in-person events.
- E-transfer to director@saskdebate.com by February 2. Put the students name followed by T8 in the memo line.
- Teams that cancel less than 24 hours before the tournament will still owe tournament fees.
Meals at In-person Tournaments
- Please bring a reusable water bottle.
- Lunch is provided for debaters, coaches, judges, and volunteer moderators.
- Observers can purchase a lunch ticket for $15. This must be indicated on the registration form.
Export event