Resources for Students

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Bulletin de vote- style national
French Resources

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Bulletin de vote- style discussion
French Resources

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Bulletin de vote-style-contre-interrogatoire
French Resources

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Introduction au style national
French Resources

Deux équipes débattent d’un sujet ou d’une proposition ayant deux côtés défendables. Chaque équipe est composée de deux débatteurs et...

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Introduction to National Style
Styles of Debate

The most common style used in SEDA and across Canada is National Style. The simple mechanics allow students to really focus on the basic...

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Introduction to World's Style
Styles of Debate

Worlds, or world’s schools style is a type of debate used at the high school level in international competitions. Before learning...

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Introduction to British Parliamentary
Styles of Debate

British Parliamentary or BP is the second style that most debaters are introduced to in Saskatchewan. BP is currently used in SEDA...

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The Debater’s Guide to Using the Elements and Standards of Thought
Prep Time

Every time we think, 8 elements are involved We think within a point of view for a purpose in response to a question using information and...

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